10 key concepts everyone must understand in CFD

If you are new to CFD, start here. This series covers all the key concepts you need to become a CFD expert, from A to Z, but without fluff.

Automating CFD solver and library compilation using CMake

This series teaches you how to automate compiling, linking, dependency management, testing, and installation of your CFD solvers and libraries with CMake.

Keep your users happy: how to document code the right way

Learn in this series how to write documentation for your CFD solvers and libraries that doesn’t suck and ensure that users will use and love your work.

The complete guide to software testing for CFD applications

Learn about different types of tests, the test-driven development workflow, and automated testing frameworks we can use to write bug-free CFD solvers.

The complete guide to structured and unstructured mesh reading using CGNS

Explore how to read and write structured and unstructured grids, along with their boundary conditions and flow data using the CGNS data format.

How to compile, write, and use CFD libraries in C++

Learn how to use libraries/dependencies in C++. We look at how to compile, write, and ultimately use libraries, focusing in particular on CFD applications.

What every CFD developer needs to know about C++

This series explores why C++ is the best choice for CFD development, showcasing the features that you need to master in order to write efficient CFD solvers.