Interested in CFD?

The best way to learn Computational Fluid Dynamics is by implementing theory into code. Learn the concepts of CFD, one article at a time, with a new article released every two weeks.

Members of our CFD community also get a free ebook on how to write a CFD solver within a weekend

Learn Through Coding

This website looks beyond the equations that are derived in textbooks and puts them into code. This is the best way to grasp a new concept and learn about the strengths and weaknesses of CFD concepts.


Latest Series

10 key concepts everyone must understand in CFD

If you are new to CFD, start here. This series covers all the key concepts you need to become a CFD expert, from A to Z, but without fluff.

checkout a previous series

Automating CFD solver and library compilation using CMake

This series teaches you how to automate compiling, linking, dependency management, testing, and installation of your CFD solvers and libraries with CMake.

The complete guide to software testing for CFD applications

Learn about different types of tests, the test-driven development workflow, and automated testing frameworks we can use to write bug-free CFD solvers.

The complete guide to structured and unstructured mesh reading using CGNS

Explore how to read and write structured and unstructured grids, along with their boundary conditions and flow data using the CGNS data format.

Be part of our community

Part of my vision for this website is to build up a community of like-minded people with a keen interest in CFD. For the moment, this is a simple email list but there are plans to expand that in the future with the right momentum behind it.

If you want to be part of that, why not join? I’d love to get into discussions with you and learn more about what you are struggling with and how I can help you.

As a member, you also get a free copy of my ebook Write your First CFD Solver – From Theory to Implemented CFD Solver in less than a weekend.

About Me

I started with CFD as an undergraduate student in 2011. A 6 months university project on the Coanda effect turned into a CFD-focused bachelor thesis (comparing different winglets), which led to studying on the MSc in CFD at Cranfield University. In my MSc thesis I developed my first CFD solver from scratch using the lattice Boltzmann method.

Afterwards, I briefly worked on Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) and Large Eddy Simulations (LES) at Imperial College London for static mixing applications before returning to Cranfield to pursue a PhD in CFD, where I developed a pressure-velocity coupling algorithm for incompressible flows.

After working at the German Aerospace Center on their commercial CFD solver, where I picked up software engineering from the ground up and worked on the discontinuous Galerkin method, I returned to Cranfield as a lecturer, where I am now the Course Director for the MSc in CFD, the same course I once was a student of.

I now focus on developing incompressible algorithms, their combinations with machine learning, as well as applied aerodynamics for the aerospace and automotive sector.

I really hope that the content covered here will be of use to you and I would be thrilled to see you joining our CFD community!

Tom-Robin Teschner