In this article, we’ll explore ChatGPT’s capabilities to write CFD solvers from scratch. We’ll explore two types of applications: a simple model equation commonly used to study numerical schemes and a 2D CFD solver that hard-codes initial and boundary conditions but otherwise implements enough logic to be classified as a fully functioning CFD solver.
We first review each case’s physical setup and then look at the required prompts to generate the code. We then investigate each case’s strengths and weaknesses and conclude whether ChatGPT is a viable tool for writing CFD solvers (and, for that matter, any other software code with moderate complexity) or if a hand-crafted CFD solver is still the way to go. Read on and find out!
In this article
The year 2022 was a good year. We found a way to live with COVID-19, and it became less and less of a problem. For us academics, it meant a return to face-to-face teaching, and while we were preparing for a return to normality, something else was building up in the background, ready to disrupt us again. On the 30th of November 2022, OpenAI released ChatGPT, and just when you were thinking of having a relaxed year ahead, all of a sudden, universities worldwide were trying to understand how much of a threat ChatGPT posed.
It was a turbulent time. I had many different roles within the university, and one of them was working as an academic conduct officer. In my role, I had to hear allegations of academic misconduct and determine a suitable penalty, if any, to be imposed. In one case, it was clear that ChatGPT (or a similar tool) was used to write a substantial part of the MSc thesis, but we had limited tools available to detect AI-generated text, nor did we have a policy in place to state what is and isn’t academic misconduct.
We had to dismiss the case as a result, but since then, we have caught up and have quite robust tools available to detect AI-generated text (a quick Google search will reveal countless of them), as well as a clear policy on how to handle AI-generated text. While it has caused some head-scratching moments, I personally don’t see it as a threat anymore.
The first few months after the release of ChatGPT were littered with news articles about how people were achieving insane successes with the tool, from creating your own personal diet plan to creating your own game. Today, there is no shortage of people trying to tell you how to make money using ChatGPT. But of course, every now and then, people get it wrong and get into hot waters for misusing ChatGPT. When they do, it usually makes for good entertainment (like this clueless lawyer).
We were living in uncertain times, and people didn’t know if ChatGPT would fast-track the widespread introduction of artificial intelligence into our personal lives. We probably still don’t have an answer to that question. Some were even suggesting that ChatGPT had developed self-awareness. Although I can’t find the original article anymore, I remember it was first reported by researchers at Microsoft (and so it is probably safe to ignore their scream for attention).
However, it wasn’t long before people suggested using ChatGPT to write code. When I became aware of this possibility, I instantly created an account and started to play around with things. Obviously, my first trials were fairy-limited, asking it to write Hello World-type programs and then slowly increasing the complexity. Because I hadn’t seen anything like that before, I was impressed by a chatbot telling me how to write Hello World. It was quite an eye-opening moment.
Since then, I have used it quite a bit (though not through the website but rather as a tightly integrated tool within my coding editor), and I have formed certain opinions about the tool, so I thought it would be interesting to see how well (or poorly) ChatGPT is at writing CFD-related code.
When I planned this post, I considered three different scenarios, each increasing in complexity. I have reduced that to two scenarios, and even the second scenario was adjusted quite a bit. You will see later why.
What I want to discuss in this article is the output of ChatGPT. I don’t really want to jump into the whole code and explain what it has generated, but rather, I would like to look at the code and then assess it based on my experience of writing open-source and commercial CFD solvers over the past 12 years and provide my verdict on the code quality and functionality. I want to answer the question posed in the title of this article: can we use ChatGPT to write fully functional CFD solvers, or is it best to avoid it?
We’ll first explore the test problems in the next section and then go through each one and discuss what ChatGPT did well (and badly) for each case. Based on these findings (and my experience of using the tool for the past two years), I’ll provide some concluding thoughts for when I think this tool is really good and when we should best avoid it. Let’s look at the example problems next.
The test problems
The test problems were selected to give ChatGPT a fair chance to create something small and simple and then build up the complexity from case to case. Well, there are only two cases, but the third case I had in mind was a small mesh generator for airfoils that could either write the mesh out to a CGNS file or visualise the results using the VTK library. My goal was to integrate library management into the code and test it on code for which there aren’t a lot of examples out there (so it would be more difficult for ChatGPT to produce something well here).
Wait until you read Case 2, and you will understand why I did not bother with Case 3. Probably, I had overly high expectations for ChatGPT. In any case, let’s start with our first test case.
1D heat equation
This is somewhat of a classic test problem in CFD. Whenever we want to study the behaviour of an elliptic equation, the heat equation is commonly used. This is an excellent method to test finite-element implementations, central-type schemes, or multi-grid implementations. When you are just starting out with CFD development, chances are you are using one of the many model equations that we use to study a specific behaviour (see also the linear advection and Burger equation).
The idea behind choosing this test case was simple: I had tried it in the past and knew it should work, but I had never properly investigated the code. To make things more interesting, I have given ChatGPT somewhat of a challenge by using an unsteady, time-implicit scheme, which should result in a bit more code, but I was confident that it could do it. The flip side is that if ChatGPT can’t be used for these simplest types of CFD applications, then what chance do we stand to increase the complexity?
Let’s review the physical set-up first and then jump into the generated code.
Physical set-up
The 1D, unsteady heat equation can be written as
\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}=k\frac{\partial^2T}{\partial x^2}
Here, k is just the strength of heat diffusion (material conductivity), and for these types of test problems, it is common to set it to 1, which doesn’t relate to any specific fluid. Since it is a 1D case, we need to specify the boundary conditions on the left and right-hand side of the domain, and we clamp the temperature between the following two values:
Once we have reached a steady state (i.e. no more change in time, \partial T/\partial t \rightarrow 0), we would expect a linear temperature profile between the left and right boundary.
Prompt to generate code
To generate the code for the 1D heat equation, this is the prompt I used to create the code. I show it here for completeness, so you can see which details I have included, and what I have omitted. Prompt engineering is an important aspect of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, as the response generated will be heavily dependent on the input (prompt) provided. You see that I was rather detailed on what I wanted it to do.
I want to write a 1D, unsteady heat conduction equation solver in C++ (considering only the unsteady and diffusive term). The equation should be solved implicitly using the Gauss Seidel algorithm. The spatial derivative should be solved using a second order central scheme. The time derivative should be discretised using a first order Euler scheme. The timestep should be computed on the CFL condition. Here are the required input parameters:
- Mesh size: 101 vertices
- Domain length: 1 meter
- CFL number: 10
- Total time to run simulation: 10 seconds
- Max iteration to be used within Gauss Seidel solver per time step: 100
- Convergence threshold for Gauss Seidel solver: 1e-4
- Material's Conductivity: 1 Watts / (meter Kelvin)
- Boundary condition on the left: 300 Kelvin
- Boundary condition on the right: 200 Kelvin
Please provide me with the structure of the C++ code, not its implementation. It should be split into separate functions that are all called from within the main() function. These should include functions to set up the simulation (parameters), create the grid, create the solution vector T, initialise the solution vector T, apply the boundary condition, the main time loop, and finally, a function that writes the results to a comma separate values (CSV) file.
Comments on the generated ChatGPT code
Despite my asking for the structure of the C++ code first and not its implementation, ChatGPT gave me both the structure and the implementation in one go, presumably because this problem is rather straightforward. It is not a particularly long code, so it may be worth putting it here in full for your inspection:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
// Function prototypes
void setUpSimulation(double &domainLength, int &meshSize, double &CFL, double &totalTime, int &maxIterations, double &convergenceThreshold, double &conductivity, double &leftBC, double &rightBC);
void createGrid(double domainLength, int meshSize, std::vector<double> &grid);
void createSolutionVector(int meshSize, std::vector<double> &T);
void initializeSolutionVector(std::vector<double> &T, double leftBC, double rightBC);
void applyBoundaryConditions(std::vector<double> &T, double leftBC, double rightBC);
void timeLoop(double domainLength, int meshSize, double CFL, double totalTime, int maxIterations, double convergenceThreshold, double conductivity, std::vector<double> &T, double leftBC, double rightBC);
void writeResultsToCSV(const std::vector<double> &grid, const std::vector<double> &T, const std::string &filename);
int main() {
// Simulation parameters
double domainLength;
int meshSize;
double CFL;
double totalTime;
int maxIterations;
double convergenceThreshold;
double conductivity;
double leftBC;
double rightBC;
// Set up simulation parameters
setUpSimulation(domainLength, meshSize, CFL, totalTime, maxIterations, convergenceThreshold, conductivity, leftBC, rightBC);
// Create grid
std::vector<double> grid(meshSize);
createGrid(domainLength, meshSize, grid);
// Create and initialize solution vector
std::vector<double> T(meshSize);
initializeSolutionVector(T, leftBC, rightBC);
// Apply initial boundary conditions
applyBoundaryConditions(T, leftBC, rightBC);
// Run the main time loop
timeLoop(domainLength, meshSize, CFL, totalTime, maxIterations, convergenceThreshold, conductivity, T, leftBC, rightBC);
// Write results to CSV file
writeResultsToCSV(grid, T, "results.csv");
return 0;
// Function definitions
void setUpSimulation(double &domainLength, int &meshSize, double &CFL, double &totalTime, int &maxIterations, double &convergenceThreshold, double &conductivity, double &leftBC, double &rightBC) {
domainLength = 1.0;
meshSize = 101;
CFL = 10.0;
totalTime = 10.0;
maxIterations = 100;
convergenceThreshold = 1e-4;
conductivity = 1.0;
leftBC = 300.0;
rightBC = 200.0;
void createGrid(double domainLength, int meshSize, std::vector<double> &grid) {
double dx = domainLength / (meshSize - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < meshSize; ++i) {
grid[i] = i * dx;
void createSolutionVector(int meshSize, std::vector<double> &T) {
T.resize(meshSize, 0.0);
void initializeSolutionVector(std::vector<double> &T, double leftBC, double rightBC) {
std::fill(T.begin(), T.end(), 0.0);
T.front() = leftBC;
T.back() = rightBC;
void applyBoundaryConditions(std::vector<double> &T, double leftBC, double rightBC) {
T.front() = leftBC;
T.back() = rightBC;
void timeLoop(double domainLength, int meshSize, double CFL, double totalTime, int maxIterations, double convergenceThreshold, double conductivity, std::vector<double> &T, double leftBC, double rightBC) {
double dx = domainLength / (meshSize - 1);
double dt = CFL * dx * dx / conductivity;
int numTimeSteps = static_cast<int>(totalTime / dt);
std::vector<double> T_new(meshSize);
for (int n = 0; n < numTimeSteps; ++n) {
for (int iter = 0; iter < maxIterations; ++iter) {
double maxError = 0.0;
for (int i = 1; i < meshSize - 1; ++i) {
double T_old = T_new[i];
T_new[i] = (T[i + 1] + T[i - 1] + (dx * dx / (conductivity * dt)) * T[i]) / (2.0 + (dx * dx / (conductivity * dt)));
maxError = std::max(maxError, std::abs(T_new[i] - T_old));
applyBoundaryConditions(T_new, leftBC, rightBC);
if (maxError < convergenceThreshold) {
T = T_new;
void writeResultsToCSV(const std::vector<double> &grid, const std::vector<double> &T, const std::string &filename) {
std::ofstream outFile(filename);
outFile << "Position,Temperature\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid.size(); ++i) {
outFile << grid[i] << "," << T[i] << "\n";
I haven’t touched or altered the code in any way. What you see is straight out of ChatGPT. When you try to compile it, there are no compilation errors, and when I run it, it works as expected. If we do a quick plot of the results, we do see indeed a linear solution (using my best Excel skills, I know, it shows that I am an excel-pro!):

ChatGPT followed the instructions in the letter and provided me with the structure I was after. I haven’t asked it to create classes for everything. I think that would be overkill in this example, but I’m sure it would do just as good of a job when asked as it did with the prompt I have provided above.
There really isn’t much else to comment on; this was the sense-check that ChatGPT can be used to write code for scientific problems, and it has passed the test. Should we look at something more interesting? Ok, strap in; it’s about to get wild!
2D compressible Euler equation
The idea behind this code was simple: We have seen that the 1D heat equation is no problem for ChatGPT, but it also doesn’t solve anything interesting. Going for a 2D compressible Euler equation means we can start to do something more interesting, but it also resembles our goal of writing a CFD solver much more. In fact, this is a proper CFD solver, even though we make a lot of simplifications in terms of the mesh it can use, the schemes that are implemented, and hard-coding the initial and boundary conditions.
At the same time, there are countless code examples out there for how to implement compressible Euler equations and so I thought that even though we are now looking at something like 500 lines of code (compared to the 100 lines of code we saw for the heat equation), ChatGPT has a lot of historic code to go by and so likely has seen sufficient code examples to be able to produce something on its own.
So this test was very much to see how does ChatGPT handle the increase in complexity (system of equations, required numerical schemes, etc.) and can it still produce reliable results. Before we can answer this question, let’s review the physical problem first.
Physical set-up
The 2D Euler equations are typically provided in the following form:
\frac{\partial \mathbf{Q}}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial\mathbf{F}}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial\mathbf{G}}{\partial x}=0
Here, we have three variables \mathbf{Q}, \mathbf{F}, and \mathbf{G}, which represents the primitive variables, conserved variables in x, and conserved variables in y, respectively. These vectors are given as:
\mathbf{Q}=\begin{bmatrix}\rho\\\rho u \\ \rho v\\E\end{bmatrix}; \quad\quad \mathbf{F}=\begin{bmatrix}\rho u\\\rho u^2 + p \\ \rho u v \\u(E+p)\end{bmatrix}; \quad\quad \mathbf{G}=\begin{bmatrix}\rho v\\ \rho v u \\ \rho v^2 + p \\v(E+p)\end{bmatrix}
This is now a system of equations where we have 4 equations to solve (i.e. the continuity equation for \rho, two momentum equations for \rho u and \rho v, and the energy equation for E). The pressure appearing in the equation can be obtained by the equation of state.
The domain, along with the initial and boundary conditions, is shown below (refer to the study by Vevek et al. to obtain the numerical values for the boundary and initial conditions):

We have a supersonic inflow on the left and an outflow on the right. The first part of the domain on the bottom is essentially a frictionless wall, while this changes to a reflective wall at x=1/6. At the beginning of this reflective wall, an inclined shock wave is given through the initial conditions at an angle of 60^\circ, while the top boundary specifies the exact Dirichlet condition for the pre/post shock wave state.
This test problem is typically run up until t=0.2s, and the corresponding shock wave pattern should develop in the following way:
To capture the shock waves and intricate structures within it with high-fidelity, we require advanced numerical schemes, and a large research effort was diverted towards developing these schemes in the 1980s and onwards. In particular, we need high-resolution schemes, ideally with some form of limiter applied, as well as a approximate Riemann solver to consolidate flow across shock-waves.
So you see, even though we can only run one case with this 2D compressible Euler solver that I have in mind, we are asking ChatGPT to do a lot of the heavy lifting. Once we have implemented this infrastructure (numerical schemes), making the code more generic and offering ways to solve other test cases should be rather straightforward.
Prompt to generate code
Just as we did with the 1D heat equation example, I want to share the prompt I provided to ChatGPT again so you can see what I used to generate the initial structure of the code. I have tried to keep it to a similar prompt format as I did for the heat equation example and provide the same level of detail throughout my prompt:
I want to write a 2D, compressible, inviscid Navier-Stokes equation-based (Euler equation) solver in C++ and solve the Double Mach reflection test case using a finite-volume based description. The flow variables should be formulated in a conservative manner and decoded into primitive variables when needed. The equation should be solved fully explicitly using a total variation diminishing (TVD) third-order Runge Kutta time integration. The convective term should be discretised using the MUSCL scheme. Inter-cell fluxes should be adjusted through the HLL Riemann solver. The solution should be written to a file at the end of the simulation that follows the Tecplot data format (creating a \*.dat file). Here are the required input parameters:
* Use non-dimensional units for all quantities
* Domain length in x: 4
* Domain length in y: 1
* Mesh spacing in x and y (i.e. dx and dy): 1/120 meters
* Beginning of reflective wall at: 1/6 along x-axis
* Mach number: 10
* Angle of initial shock wave with x-axis: 60 degrees
* Use a fully cartesian grid and rotate the shockwave instead of creating a complex grid
* The time step dt should be computed at each time iteration to ensure a stable time integration
* The final time of the simulation should be 0.2
* Use air as the working fluid with usual properties such as gamma=1.4
* Use the ideal gas law
* Use non-dimensional quantities. In particular, use a value of 1.4 for the density and 1 for the pressure ahead of the shock wave in the undisturbed air
* The boundary conditions between x=0 and x=1/6 should be set as a Dirichlet condition, enforcing properties of the post-shock to ensure the flow remains attached
* Use the same Dirichlet condition on the left wall at x=0, i.e. set values for the post shock
* On the right wall at x=4, use a Neumann type boundary condition for all quantities, i.e. all derivatives are set to zero.
* The top wall should describe the motion of the Mach 10 shockwave exactly (Dirichlet type boundary condition)
Please provide me with the structure of the C++ code, not its implementation. It should be split into separate functions that are all called from within the main() function. These should include functions to set up the simulation (parameters), create the grid, create the solution vectors for velocity, density, pressure, and energy, initialise the solution vectors, apply the boundary condition, the main time loop which can be further split into computation of primitive variables, approximation of inter-cell values, solution of the riemann problem, assembling of the Euler equation followed by the Runge Kutta time integration and encoding into conservative variables, and finally, a function that writes the results in the Tecplot data format (\*.dat)
This time, ChatGPT only provided me with the structure, as requested. I then followed up and asked it to provide me with the implementation for each function, i.e. this was the template I used:
now provide me with the implementation of the <functionName> function
Comments on the generated ChatGPT code
When it comes to code and errors in code, there are two main types that we can differentiate: Syntax and Semantic errors.
Syntax errors are easy to spot because the compiler will tell you about them (i.e. misspelling a variable name, calling a function that doesn’t exist, using a wrong keyword, etc.). Semantic errors, on the other hand, are difficult to spot. They represent code that compiles fine but does not produce the result the programmer had in mind, i.e. the code produces an incorrect output. Let’s review both the syntax and semantic errors that ChatGPT produced:
Syntax errors
After generating the structure and then filling each function with the generated code, I was finally able to start the compilation process. Once I invoked the compiler, I was greeted with a few warnings and 36 individual error messages. That was almost expected, if you were to write a code from scratch with about 500 lines, without compiling any intermediate step, you would likely see a lot more than 36 error messages.
So, on that front, ChatGPT seemingly performed well, although you could apply a different standard here and expect the code to work out of the box, in which case, 36 error messages may appear as a large number. For me, the surprising thing was not the number of error messages but the type of error messages received for some of the errors. Here is the list of errors I saw and had to fix in order to make the code compile:
- Variable declarations: Variable names were spelt incorrectly and thus could not be found. Some variable names were not defined at all and so could not be found either. Some variables were declared twice, once with all upper and all lower cases to avoid name conflicts but making the code unnecessarily more complicated (and these variables were inconsistently used, i.e. sometimes the all upper case and sometimes the all lower case variable was used).
- Functions: ChatGPT tried calling functions that didn’t exist. Usually, there was a function that had a similar name to the one it tried to call, but it did not remember the original function name.
- Arithmetic operations: I know I can’t add a
and abool
, but ChatGPT discovered an error I had never seen before, saying thatdouble(double) no-except
cannot be multiplied bydouble
. If you google for the error message, you won’t find anything. ChatGPT discovered a new type of error that I had no idea how to create myself. - Arrays: There was a horribly inconsistent creation and access of memory of multi-dimensional arrays. Some were declared as 2D arrays but then accessed as 3D arrays, and vice versa. If these arrays were passed to functions, sometimes they were passed with the correct dimension. Other times, the dimensions got mixed up, e.g. it may have created a
in the code, which was then passed to a function as astd::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double>>>
. At least it passed arrays as references! - Header files: Some variables and definitions were used that were declared in standard C/C++ header files, but these headers were never used. In one particular case (one that I was not aware of myself), we have to set a pre-processor directive to make the value for \pi available if we are using the
header file and we are on Windows. This is outdated, though, and we should always be using the C++ equivalent header files (in this case<cmath>
), and we can obtain \pi since the introduction of the C++20 standard from the<numbers>
header usingstd::numbers::pi
This wasn’t too bad. Although ChatGPT managed to generate an error message that no one else has ever reported, fixing all of these issues wasn’t too bad. The strange double(double) no-except
error message disappeared once I fixed other errors. And, as is always the case, the best way to fix error messages is to concentrate on the first error message, as some, if not all, following errors are a result of the first error being thrown.
Eventually, the code compiled, great! Running it produced essentially NaN (not a number) for all output variables, so clearly, something wasn’t working. This, then, brings me on to the next section.
Semantic errors
There were a lot of semantic errors in the code, and after a detailed review, I had a long list of issues that prevented the code from ever working correctly. In the following, Similar to our syntax error description, I’ll provide a list of all semantic errors, and then we can discuss their impact on the overall code:
Initial conditions
The initial conditions were set incorrectly. All it had to do was to specify values for the density, momentum, and energy before and after the shock while also inclining the shock wave by 60^\circ. Here is the code ChatGPT created:
for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) {
if (i * DX < 1.0 / 6.0) {
// Pre-shock region
density[i][j] = rho1;
velocityX[i][j] = machNumber * sqrt(gamma * p1 / rho1) * cos(shockAngle * M_PI / 180.0);
velocityY[i][j] = machNumber * sqrt(gamma * p1 / rho1) * sin(shockAngle * M_PI / 180.0);
pressure[i][j] = p1;
energy[i][j] = E1;
} else {
// Post-shock region
density[i][j] = rho2;
velocityX[i][j] = u2;
velocityY[i][j] = v2;
pressure[i][j] = p2;
energy[i][j] = E2;
It only checks if i * DX
is more or less than 1/6
to apply the initial conditions, which means the initial conditions provide a normal shock wave and not an inclined one, though we can see that it tried to use the information of the inclined shock in the velocity calculation. For completeness, here is the corrected version:
for (int i = 0; i < NX; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < NY; ++j) {
double x_loc = i * DX;
double y_loc = j * DY;
if (x_loc < 1.0 / 6.0 + y_loc * sin((90 - INITIAL_SHOCK_ANGLE) * M_PI / 180.0)) {
// Pre-shock region
density[i][j] = rho1;
momentumX[i][j] = rho1 * u1;
momentumY[i][j] = rho1 * v1;
energy[i][j] = E1;
} else {
// Post-shock region
density[i][j] = rho2;
momentumX[i][j] = rho2 * u2;
momentumY[i][j] = rho2 * v2;
energy[i][j] = E2;
The main difference is line 5, where we now check if we are before or after the shock, which will depend on the x and y locations in the mesh. You’ll also notice that I am using momentum instead of velocity here. Ignore that for now; we will get to that point soon.
Boundary conditions
The boundary conditions were not too bad but also incorrect in parts. In particular, the top boundary condition is a time-dependent one, where we have to set the pre/post-shock position based on the location of the shock wave (which travels as the solution progresses). This is what ChatGPT produced:
for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) {
// Top boundary (y = 1): Dirichlet condition for shock wave
density[i][ny-1] = rho1;
velocityX[i][ny-1] = machNumber * sqrt(gamma * p1 / rho1) * cos(shockAngle * M_PI / 180.0);
velocityY[i][ny-1] = machNumber * sqrt(gamma * p1 / rho1) * sin(shockAngle * M_PI / 180.0);
pressure[i][ny-1] = p1;
It again tried to incorporate the shock angle somehow into the velocity information, which has no sense whatsoever. The correct implementation is given below (again, ignore that I am using now momentum instead of velocity):
double shockLocationTopWall = 1.0 / 6.0 + Y_LENGTH * sin((90 - INITIAL_SHOCK_ANGLE) * M_PI / 180.0) + u1 * currentTime;
for (int i = 0; i < NX; ++i) {
if (i * DX < shockLocationTopWall) {
density[i][NY-1] = rho1;
momentumX[i][NY-1] = rho1 * u1;
momentumY[i][NY-1] = rho1 * v1;
energy[i][NY-1] = E1;
} else {
density[i][NY-1] = rho2;
momentumX[i][NY-1] = rho2 * u2;
momentumY[i][NY-1] = rho2 * v2;
energy[i][NY-1] = E2;
The shockLocationTopWall
variable is computed based on the current time. To get the value of the location at the top wall, we need to add the sin
of the inclined shock wave angle to the start position at the bottom wall, which is known. This is the same information we used to initialise the flow. We then, however, add a time-dependent condition on this shock location by also calculating the distance the shock wave has moved for any given time by adding u1 * currentTime
to the end of this variable calculation.
Then, we simply check where we are on the top wall on line 3 and apply the pre- or post-shock wave conditions accordingly.
Primitive vs. Conserved variables
Now, let’s discuss the issue of primitive and conserved quantities. In compressible codes, we like to use conserved quantities, which were given by the \mathbf{Q} vector, i.e.
\mathbf{Q}=\begin{bmatrix}\rho\\\rho u \\ \rho v\\E\end{bmatrix}
These are the 4 variables we solve for in our system of equations. For example, for the momentum equation in the x direction, we have a time derivative of \partial(\rho u)/\partial t. For completeness, a non-conserved variable approach would result in \rho\partial(u)/\partial t for the momentum equation, for example, which would require the application of the chain rule to the derivative and thus change the equations slightly.
Since the time derivative now only contains the velocity, it is also called a primitive variable approach (the primitive variables being \rho, u, v, p, T, i.e. single quantities and not products like the momentum \rho u).
There are several advantages of staying with the conserved variable approach; for starters, the governing equations are formulated in this way so we can easily implement them. Secondly, by specifying continuity, momentum, and energy as boundary conditions, we can better conserve these, which primitive variables may not be able to do as well. Primitive variables also suffer from more numerical dissipation near shock waves, and thus, conserved variables perform better at capturing shock waves.
Despite asking ChatGPT to use conserved variables throughout and only calculate primitive variables when needed (i.e., for outputting the solution or for computing fluxes), it used primitive variables throughout the code. I had to manually change all occurrences of primitive variables, and that was the first point where I felt that I was starting to touch so many places in the code that rewriting it would probably be easier.
Numerical reconstruction scheme
I asked ChatGPT to use the MUSCL reconstruction scheme to obtain inter-cell values. The reason is as follows: The MUSCL scheme requires values from its neighbouring cells. On the internal domain, this is fine, but is an issue for cells which have a boundary face on one of their faces. In that case, the MUSCL scheme will need information from beyond the boundary. This is not possible, and so there are three possible solutions that we would use in CFD to get around that issue:
- Switching to a lower-order scheme near the boundary that does not need information from neighbouring cells. This will lower the resolution near the boundary, which may be unwanted if we have wall boundaries available where gradients will be large near boundaries.
- Switching to a different (compact) scheme that has the same order of accuracy but may not perform as well in areas of shock waves (or discontinuities in more general terms).
- Implementing additional cells beyond the boundary that are populated through extrapolation from within the boundary, respecting the boundary condition. This is a popular approach for simple grids, but this does not work as well for complex (unstructured) grids.
So, you see, there is no optimum solution available here, and I wanted to see what ChatGPT does. I will spare you the details here, as we would have to get rather technical with some parts, but let’s just say that ChatGPT was overwhelmed by this task. Not only did it ignore the issue at the boundaries (and for all I can see, the MUSCL scheme itself was also not implemented correctly), but it also exposed another weakness.
When we deal with inter-cell fluxes, we can either extrapolate/interpolate them from the left or the right cell. This is shown in the following:

The value we want to obtain is at the inter-cell face, which is shown by the dashed line. We have the mesh shown at the top and then the corresponding values for an undefined quantity shown at the bottom. The orange dots specify values we have stored for this quantity at the cell centres. Once we extrapolate them to the inter-cell face using either a left- or right-sided extrapolation, we get different results, and there is a discontinuity between these two interpolated points.
For incompressible flows, this isn’t as much of an issue as we don’t have shock waves to resolve, and in general, the flow field is smooth. For compressible flows, though, we can get quite large discontinuities. Thus, we need to account for them using a Riemann solver (which will take the left and right values and then select either one of them or create an average of these two depending on where we are in the flow, e.g. in a sub-sonic, transonic, or supersonic flow (well, I am simplifying here, but it gets the point across I hope).
Since we want to solve the Riemann problem and use a Riemann solver, we need the left and right extrapolated values. ChatGPT did not provide us with these, and if you just used it to create the code without knowing what to expect, you would get code that compiles but is fundamentally flawed in its logic. If you don’t know what code to expect (or how to identify these errors), then you have no chance of correcting this code yourself!
Riemann solver
We have already touched upon this briefly above when discussing the left and right-hand side extrapolated values. So, what did ChatGPT do to solve this issue? Well, it calculated only the left state on each face and then used the neighbouring faces to construct the Riemann problem. The following schematic shows what ChatGPT did (compare that to the figure above):

Using two left states will obviously give us different solutions, and we really need to reconstruct the solution at the face from the left and from the right to have a well-posed Riemann problem.
The other issue was that the Riemann problem was only solved in the x-direction. Yes, we have a 2D code, and we are solving the Riemann problem in 1D only. This is typically not an issue if we rotate the Riemann problem onto the y-axis and then apply it in the same way, but ChatGPT simply ignores the y-direction altogether! Thus, discontinuities were ignored in one direction and solved incorrectly in another using wrongly reconstructed inter-cell fluxes.
Poor memory management
Well, this isn’t technically a bug or a mistake we have to fix, but ChatGPT does a pretty bad job of managing memory. In fact, it adds a lot of unnecessary overhead in terms of time spent allocating memory, which would have serious performance implications for an actual CFD solver. Let’s look at the outline it provided for the main time loop to get a better idea:
double time = 0.0;
while (time < FINAL_TIME) {
// Compute time step dt
double dt = computeTimeStep(density, velocityX, velocityY, pressure);
// Compute primitive variables
std::vector<std::vector<double>> primitiveVars;
computePrimitiveVariables(density, velocityX, velocityY, pressure, primitiveVars);
// Approximate inter-cell values using MUSCL scheme
std::vector<std::vector<double>> interCellValues;
approximateInterCellValues(primitiveVars, interCellValues);
// Solve Riemann problem using HLL solver
std::vector<std::vector<double>> fluxes;
solveRiemannProblem(interCellValues, fluxes);
// Assemble Euler equations
std::vector<std::vector<double>> residuals;
assembleEulerEquations(fluxes, residuals);
// Runge-Kutta time integration (TVD RK3)
rungeKuttaTimeIntegration(density, velocityX, velocityY, pressure, residuals, dt);
// Update time
time += dt;
Apart from the computeTimeStep()
and rungeKuttaTimeIntegration()
function, there are four other functions that declare 2D arrays based on a std::vector
within this main time loop. If we remind ourselves about local scopes in C++, then we realise that anything declared between curly braces, i.e. {}
, will go out of scope after the end (closing brace) has been reached. For the same reason, the following code will produce an (out of scope) error:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
if (true) {
double pi = 3.141592;
std::cout << "Pi os approximately: " << pi << std::endl;
return 0;
Here, pi
is declared within the scope of the if
statement between lines 5-7. Once we go past line 7, pi
goes out of scope and is no longer available. Thus, line 8 will complain about the variable pi
not being declared.
We do have the same issue with the code provided above by ChatGPT; the 2D arrays declared on lines 7, 11, 15, and 19 will go out of scope when reaching the end of the time loop, so they need to be constantly redefined (which they are, i.e. at each time step we recreate these 2D arrays). If we have a quick look at the approximateInterCellValues()
function, at least the first few lines, then we see the following code proposed by ChatGPT:
void approximateInterCellValues(const std::vector<std::vector<double>>& primitiveVars,
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double>>>& interCellValues) {
int nx = static_cast<int>(X_LENGTH / DX) + 1;
int ny = static_cast<int>(Y_LENGTH / DY) + 1;
// Resize the 3D vector to the grid size with 4 primitive variables (rho, u, v, p) at each interface
interCellValues.resize(nx, std::vector<std::vector<double>>(ny, std::vector<double>(4)));
// ...
On line 7, we use the resize()
function to allocate new memory for this 3D std::vector
. This will result in constant memory allocation in the function, as well as memory deallocation towards the end of the main time loop when these arrays go out of scope.
By the way, did you spot the inconsistent memory management issue here? In the main time loop, the interCellValues
variable was designated as a 2D std::vector
, and now we are allocating a 3D std::vector
. This is the inconsistent array dimension issue I mentioned above, which produced most of the 36 initial compilation errors.
I should mention, though, as well, that some compilers are able to recognise this constant memory allocation, which does not change from iteration to iteration and which can be inferred at compile time. If they do and optimisation is turned on, they may move the array declarations and subsequent memory allocations out of the time loop to improve performance, but other than benchmarking and looking at the output of a profiler like gprof, we have no way of knowing.
Incorrect discretisation
I asked ChatGPT to write the solver using a finite volume approach, but I did not specify the location of the centroids. There are two possible choices for the location of the centroids, which will have implications on the surrounding control volumes, which is shown in the following schematic:

The typical arrangement for a finite volume approach would be a cell-centred centroid arrangement, as shown on the right in the figure above. However, ChatGPT used the arrangement on the left, placing the centroid on the vertices of the computational grid, which means that the control volume does not align with the grid lines.
This is not an issue. In fact, both approaches are possible and are known as the cell-centered and vertex-centered control volume approaches, respectively. The cell-centred approach is by far the most commonly used approach of the two.
The calculation of the solution inside the domain is the same for both approaches, i.e. it does not matter if we compute the solution on the vertices or cell centres. However, dealing with boundary conditions does make a difference. In the case of the cell-centred approach, we can replace the interpolated/extrapolated values on the cell’s faces with boundary values if these faces are on a boundary. This is very convenient and makes the application of boundary conditions straightforward.
Using a vertex-centred approach, however, means that we can’t apply the boundary conditions directly on our cell’s faces and instead have to somehow impose our boundary conditions on the reconstructed states at the cell interface, which is most easily done through the application of ghost cells (which we discussed above are not without their own drawbacks). The bottom line is that the vertex-centered approach can work but requires some additional boundary condition management, which ChatGPT didn’t provide.
Incorrect time integration
This is probably my favourite mistake because it exposes the danger of letting ChatGPT dictate the code’s structure and then choosing a structure that doesn’t provide correct results.
Let’s take a moment, though, to look at the Runge Kutta time integration technique from a very high-level, so that we all have a basic understanding of it before proceeding. Runge Kutta schemes can be seen as compact time integration schemes, i.e. compact in the sense that they only require solutions from the previous time step (i.e. n
) to produce results at the next time step (i.e. n+1
They can have an arbitrary number of intermediate steps (between n
and n+1
), and typically, each additional intermediate step raises the order of the time integration scheme. There are different variants available, of which the 4th order Runge Kutta is probably the most common one. This is a 4-stage Runge Kutta method where we have to compute the solution 4 times for each step. This makes them computationally expensive, but the advantage is that based on their construction, we can achieve an arbitrary accuracy in time.
For compressible flows, we like to use total variation diminishing (TVD) schemes, which require that the total variation (the sum of differences between two cells, i.e. \sum u_{i+1}-u_i) does not increase over time. It essentially states that our numerical schemes should not introduce any oscillations, and there is a popular 3rd order TVD Runge Kutta method that I wanted ChatGPT to implement.
But let’s return to the governing equation for a second, and let’s see how we could apply a Runge Kutta time integration to it in general. Our 2D compressible Euler equation was given by:
\frac{\partial \mathbf{Q}}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial\mathbf{F}}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial\mathbf{G}}{\partial x}=0.
Generally, when working with Runge Kutta schemes, we compute some intermediate state of \mathbf{Q}, which is typically denoted by \mathbf{Q}^{*}, \mathbf{Q}^{**}, \mathbf{Q}^{***}, and so on, where the number of asterisks indicate which intermediate step we are at.
Thus, our governing equation above can be written as:
\mathbf{Q}^{*}=\mathbf{Q}^n + \Delta t \left(-\frac{\partial\mathbf{F}}{\partial x}-\frac{\partial\mathbf{G}}{\partial x}\right),
or, in a more compact form:
\mathbf{Q}^{*}=\mathbf{Q}^n + \Delta t\mathrm{\mathbf{RHS}}(\mathbf{Q}^n)
We could not go on and construct different intermediate stages
\mathbf{Q}^{**}=\mathbf{Q}^n + \alpha\Delta t\mathrm{\mathbf{RHS}}(\mathbf{Q}^*)
\mathbf{Q}^{***}=\mathbf{Q}^n + \alpha\Delta t\mathrm{\mathbf{RHS}}(\mathbf{Q}^{**})
\mathbf{Q}^{****}=\mathbf{Q}^n + \alpha\Delta t\mathrm{\mathbf{RHS}}(\mathbf{Q}^{***})
Here, the value for \alpha indicates that we may only take a portion of the right-hand-side vector into account at any given stage. At some point, we combine all of these intermediate stages into a single solution, which will then be our solution at the next time step, i.e.:
\mathbf{Q}^{n+1}=f(\mathbf{Q}^{n}, \mathbf{Q}^{*}, \mathbf{Q}^{**}, \mathbf{Q}^{***}, \mathbf{Q}^{****})
The crucial part here to realise is that each intermediate step is based on the solution from the previous intermediate step, i.e. to compute \mathbf{Q}^{****}, we need \mathbf{RHS}}(\mathbf{Q}^{***}), which itself depends on the solution calculated in the previous time step, i.e. \mathbf{Q}^{***}.
For completeness, the 3rd-order TVD implementation of the Runge Kutta scheme is given below:
\mathbf{Q}^{*}=\mathbf{Q}^n + \Delta t\mathrm{\mathbf{RHS}}(\mathbf{Q}^n)
\mathbf{Q}^{**}=\frac{3}{4}\mathbf{Q}^n + \frac{1}{4}\mathbf{Q}^* + \frac{1}{4}\Delta t\mathrm{\mathbf{RHS}}(\mathbf{Q}^*)
\mathbf{Q}^{n+1}=\frac{1}{3}\mathbf{Q}^n + \frac{2}{3}\mathbf{Q}^{**} + \frac{2}{3}\Delta t\mathrm{\mathbf{RHS}}(\mathbf{Q}^{**})
With this discussion out of the way, let’s look at the implementation of this scheme next, at least what ChatGPT provided us. As a reminder, this was our main time loop (now shortened to only zoom in on the important bits):
while (time < FINAL_TIME) {
double dt = computeTimeStep(density, velocityX, velocityY, pressure);
computePrimitiveVariables(density, velocityX, velocityY, pressure, primitiveVars);
approximateInterCellValues(primitiveVars, interCellValues);
solveRiemannProblem(interCellValues, fluxes);
assembleEulerEquations(fluxes, residuals);
rungeKuttaTimeIntegration(density, velocityX, velocityY, pressure, residuals, dt);
time += dt;
Ignoring the time step calculation on line 2, everything done on lines 3-6 is essentially assembling the right-hand side vector, i.e. \mathbf{RHS}}(\mathbf{Q}). We then go into the Runge Kutta time integration scheme next, which is given below:
void rungeKuttaTimeIntegration(std::vector<std::vector<double>>& density,
std::vector<std::vector<double>>& velocityX,
std::vector<std::vector<double>>& velocityY,
std::vector<std::vector<double>>& pressure,
const std::vector<std::vector<double>>& residuals, double dt) {
int nx = static_cast<int>(X_LENGTH / DX) + 1;
int ny = static_cast<int>(Y_LENGTH / DY) + 1;
// Temporary vectors for RK3 stages
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double>>> densityTemp(nx, std::vector<std::vector<double>>(ny, std::vector<double>(4, 0.0)));
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double>>> velocityXTemp(nx, std::vector<std::vector<double>>(ny, std::vector<double>(4, 0.0)));
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double>>> velocityYTemp(nx, std::vector<std::vector<double>>(ny, std::vector<double>(4, 0.0)));
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double>>> pressureTemp(nx, std::vector<std::vector<double>>(ny, std::vector<double>(4, 0.0)));
// RK3 coefficients
std::vector<double> rk3Alpha = {1.0 / 3.0, 15.0 / 16.0, 8.0 / 15.0};
std::vector<double> rk3Beta = {1.0 / 3.0, 5.0 / 12.0, 5.0 / 12.0};
std::vector<double> rk3Gamma = {1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 4.0};
// Stage 1 of RK3
for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) {
densityTemp[i][j][0] = density[i][j] + rk3Alpha[0] * dt * residuals[i][j][0];
velocityXTemp[i][j][0] = velocityX[i][j] + rk3Alpha[0] * dt * residuals[i][j][1];
velocityYTemp[i][j][0] = velocityY[i][j] + rk3Alpha[0] * dt * residuals[i][j][2];
pressureTemp[i][j][0] = pressure[i][j] + rk3Alpha[0] * dt * residuals[i][j][3];
// Stage 2 of RK3
for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) {
densityTemp[i][j][1] = density[i][j] + rk3Beta[1] * dt * residuals[i][j][0];
velocityXTemp[i][j][1] = velocityX[i][j] + rk3Beta[1] * dt * residuals[i][j][1];
velocityYTemp[i][j][1] = velocityY[i][j] + rk3Beta[1] * dt * residuals[i][j][2];
pressureTemp[i][j][1] = pressure[i][j] + rk3Beta[1] * dt * residuals[i][j][3];
// Stage 3 of RK3 (final update)
for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) {
density[i][j] = density[i][j] + rk3Gamma[2] * dt * residuals[i][j][0];
velocityX[i][j] = velocityX[i][j] + rk3Gamma[2] * dt * residuals[i][j][1];
velocityY[i][j] = velocityY[i][j] + rk3Gamma[2] * dt * residuals[i][j][2];
pressure[i][j] = pressure[i][j] + rk3Gamma[2] * dt * residuals[i][j][3];
// Output RK3 time integration for verification
std::cout << "Runge-Kutta 3rd order time integration completed." << std::endl;
First, ChatGPT wants us to allocate memory again (great!) and then sets the coefficients for the Runge Kutta time integration on lines 16-18 (which are wrong, super great!). But let’s look at the three stages starting on lines 21, 31, and 41, respectively. Of interest here is the last argument in each calculation, i.e. the residual
array. This array represents the right-hand side of an equation, i.e. \mathbf{RHS}}(\mathbf{Q}). Notice how this array is not updated based on the newly calculated solution from the previous time step.
In other words, the function provided by ChatGPT can never work. We need to update the solution (right-hand side vector) between each stage, but we only do that once for each step and then reuse that for all three Runge Kutta stages. To fix this issue, we have to transform our main time loop to the following:
while (time < FINAL_TIME) {
double dt = computeTimeStep(density, velocityX, velocityY, pressure);
// do the Runge Kutta time integration here
for (int RKStage = 0; RKStage < 3; ++RKSTage) {
// the arguments here need to change, i.e. we need to use density, velocities and pressure from the previously calculated runge kutta solution here
computePrimitiveVariables(density, velocityX, velocityY, pressure, primitiveVars);
approximateInterCellValues(primitiveVars, interCellValues);
solveRiemannProblem(interCellValues, fluxes);
assembleEulerEquations(fluxes, residuals);
if (RKStage == 0) {
// calculate density, momentum, and energy for first Runge Kutta stage
} else if (RKStage == 1) {
// calculate density, momentum, and energy for second Runge Kutta stage
} else if (RKStage == 2) {
// calculate density, momentum, and energy for final Runge Kutta stage
time += dt;
The Runge Kutta time integration is now part of the main time loop. When we calculate our primitive variables, we need to ensure that we use either the solution from the previous time step, or the latest solution available from the Runge Kutta time integration step (i.e. line 7). Then, on lines 12, 14, and 16, we need to loop over all internal domain points and apply the Runge Kutta time integrations scheme as we have seen above.
Where is the final working code?
Initially, I had the ambition of correcting all the mistakes in the code that ChatGPT provided and then showing that you can get a solution with a bit of work. I wanted to show how many lines of code you would have to change compared to the original code and provide a percentage to get an idea of how much change is required to get a solution.
However, after spending a few hours with the code, I decided to abandon this code and not try to fix it. I unearthed too many issues, and in the end, if I had gotten the code to work, the percentage of how much code would need to change would be close to 100% (some code, like variables or include statements, would not need to change, making the changes required not exactly 100%). In other words, it would have probably been faster to write the code myself, from scratch, than trying to fix all the broken assumptions that ChatGPT made.
And this is what I did. Motivated by this failed experiment, I wanted a proper solver showing how to implement the Euler equations from start to end. I wrote an ebook, which you can get here for free, which shows the necessary theoretical background, how to put the equations into code, and then how to compile, run, and analyse the results. If you want to know how to write your own solver from scratch, this ebook is for you!
In the end, here is an analogy that may help to summarise the above problems: Imagine asking a student to write a report about the Euler equation and getting back a report about Euler’s formula. Sure, they sound similar, and you may be forgiven for thinking that they are equivalent, but apart from having the name Euler in the title, they are very different.
The code ChatGPT provided isn’t bad. All individual components, judged by themselves, provide almost correct code, but throwing them all together only looks like an Euler solver. Unfortunately, programming is a precise science, and the smallest of syntax or semantic errors will result in incorrect results. It is not enough to produce something that looks about right; every single letter in the generated code has to be correct, and this is a tall order for tools like ChatGPT to achieve.
So, should I use generative AI tools such as ChatGPT to write code?
Well, from the experience above, you may conclude that it is not a good idea to use ChatGPT in general for programming, but I think this would be beside the point. Let’s look at what I think is the biggest issue here: overfitting.
Every deep neural network (and, for that matter, machine learning algorithm) needs data to train on. To assess whether they have provided a good prediction, we calculate the difference between what is expected and what was produced by the machine learning algorithm. Overfitting is the tendency of a machine learning algorithm to learn the training data exactly and thus produce a low accuracy on data it has not yet seen (but a high accuracy on its test data).
To construct a machine learning model that generalises well to cases that it has not seen, we want to ensure that the accuracy of training data is similar to that of data which it hasn’t seen during training. Overfitting is an inherent problem in all types of machine learning applications, and we can never achieve 100% accuracy. The accuracy that ChatGPT is achieving is stunning, but, again, never 100%.
If you ask it to produce 100 lines of code (or less), chances are you’ll get excellent results. If you ask it to produce more than 100 lines of code (in our case, the compressible 2D Euler equation solver had something close to 500 lines of code), then there will likely be some mistake slipping in.
Thus, for small code segments, a tool like ChatGPT is great, and in-fact, I would actively advocate that we should use it as a code completion tool, and we have an abundance of tools to chose from. My favourite tool is codeium, it is free, and it integrates really well with all types of integrated development environments (IDEs).
Codeium springs into action every time you type something. It analyses what has been written up until the current position of the curser and then tries to guess what you want to write, usually with really good accuracy (in fact, I can’t remember a case where it predicted something that was rubbish). This is, in my view, the right way of using this tool, and in this sense, it is very similar to Intellisense but just a lot smarter.
As we have seen above, there are some dangers, and these should be addressed here as well. If you have no idea what code to expect, ChatGPT (or codeium, which is based on the GPT model as well) will give you something, but if you can’t judge if it is right or wrong, you have no chance of catching bugs. While syntax errors are easy to fix, semantic errors are far easier for ChatGPT to create, and it is down to you to catch and correct them.
Thus, ChatGPT is not a way to become an expert in programming quickly, you still need to know how to programm, and what logic needs to be implemented to solve your particular problem. You can ask ChatGPT to give you small pieces of code, but you need to be in charge of the code structure. Don’t allow ChatGPT to create the structure for you; it is a recipe for disaster. Debugging an incorrect structure from ChatGPT can take longer than writing the code yourself from scratch if you know what you are doing.
In the end, ChatGPT is a tool and not much more. It is not the almighty new superpower that is going to replace programmers or humans. It can’t, it is inherently limited due to the above mentioned overfitting issue. We humans can make mistakes, and probably more than ChatGPT, but we have a way of understanding far larger and more complex contexts and using that to fix our problems. I am confident that ChatGPT would not have been capable of debugging the code it provided me. Only a human could have done that.
Sure, tools like ChatGPT will only mature over time, but they will always be limited. I doubt that they will ever become as close to the capabilities we have as humans, even though some of the results that we get from generative AI tools are stunning.
I really enjoyed reading the book Deep Learning with Python by François Chollet, he addresses this issue as well, and after reading it, you’ll realise that ChatGPT, and other tools are just really good at interpolating data, that is all that they are doing. We humans, however, are really good at extrapolating, i.e. creating new knowledge from existing one (like we do in research). Generative AI tools are designed based on interpolation and thus are really good at producing results for a specific problem, but one that has been solved before.
I know that not many share my viewpoint and that most people are ready to fall in line for president ChatGPT, but I don’t think the technology is good enough to replace a skilled human. And let’s be honest, do we really want a chatbot to be in charge if it can’t even write a simple 2D compressible Euler solver? This is a dystopia I don’t want to live in!
When I started investigating how good (or bad) ChatGPT is for writing CFD solvers, I had high hopes, which were based on using this tool now for enough time to understand its strengths and weaknesses. I was ready to correct some mistakes that would be inevitable due to the overfitting nature of machine learning methods, but looking at the results, I see that they are rather demotivating.
Sure, if we give it something simple like the 1D heat equation, it can write the implementation for it. But equations like these are also referred to as model equations or, by some, as toy equations. They are not going to solve anything of real interest and are typically only used to study some schemes and implementations.
When tasked with writing a very simplified 2D solver, ChatGPT produced so many mistakes that it would be quicker (and a better idea, in my opinion) to disregard its solution completely and work out the code yourself. My previous perception was that it can likely be useful to provide things like an outline of the code and then do the implementation yourself, but the results shown here suggest the opposite; it is better to do the structure yourself and then ask ChatGPT to implement very small and narrowly defined sections of the code.
In the end, it is not all bad, though. Tools like codeium (based on ChatGPT) are capable of providing code completion for a few lines, and this is where ChatGPT is really strong, i.e. generating code for a very small scope (limited to a few lines). I have found this to be the best use case of ChatGPT, but this does require the programmer to have a clear picture of what the code should look like, and thus, ChatGPT can’t replace knowledge gaps a programmer may have.
As the saying goes, garbage in, garbage out. If we have no idea what to expect, our prompts to ChatGPT or tools like codeium will be garbage, and we can’t expect to get a well-defined solution for our problem. I see ChatGPT as a productivity enhancement tool but not as a programmer replacement tool. Sure, it can produce stunning results at times, but it can also produce garbage at times. It can’t tell a good form a bad result, but we humans can!

Tom-Robin Teschner is a senior lecturer in computational fluid dynamics and course director for the MSc in computational fluid dynamics and the MSc in aerospace computational engineering at Cranfield University.